Summit Marriages

While matchmaking is not a core Summit objective, God works through the Summit to connect His sons and daughters in marital love. There are many testimonies. Here are a few who shared photos. To God be the glory! 

Mark and Krystal

Mark and Krystal

Hi Gloria, my husband Mark and I met at the first event in March 2019 at the Chase center in Wilmington, DE. I would like to inform you that because of the Saved Single Summit event, Mark and I found each other there. We got married on July 24th 2021!

Jeff and Susanne

Jeff and Susanne

Hello Gloria, I wanted to share my and Jeff’s story. I am from New Jersey and Jeff is from Ohio. We officially met the weekend of the summit… It didn’t feel like we had just met; there was a natural comfort between us. Our relationship has continued to blossom and grow. We communicate openly and honestly. We pray daily. We do plans in the Bible app. We realize the distance isn’t and won’t be easy; it’s worth’s worth all the effort.