Nov 07, 2023By Gloria Godson
Gloria Godson


Praying for your future spouse can help you stay focused on God, His plan for your life, and trust that the right person will come into your life at the right time.

Taking the time to pray for your future spouse can bring you peace, clarity, and a sense of purpose. 

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer for His/her Walk with God
Heavenly Father, thank you for your plans for my future marriage. I believe that you put the desire in my heart and have prepared my future spouse for me. lift them up to You, and pray that their personal walk with You be filled with an ever-deepening faith, an unwavering trust, and a profound sense of Your love and presence. I pray for wisdom, understanding, and the knowledge of Your Word. Help them, Lord, to seek You first in all things, and cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with You. Keep them safe from harm and help them to make choices that honor You.

Lord, give them discernment to recognize Your voice, and the courage to follow Your will and the leadership of Holy Spirit. Help them to rely on Your grace, receive Your forgiveness, forgive others, love unconditionally, and serve You with a humble heart. I pray for their protection from the lures and temptations of this world. Give them strength and resilience in the face of trials and challenges. May their prayer life be rich and fervent, as they cast their cares on you. Lord, protect and bless their heart, mind, and soul. Give them your peace which passes all understanding.

Finally, Lord, I ask that our relationship be founded on the strong and unshakable foundation of faith in You. May we support and uplift each other in our walk with You, growing together in love, faith, and grace. Bless our future together as a couple, and help us to glorify You in all that we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer for His/Her Calling and Purpose
Lord, You are the author of our destinies, I ask you to reveal Your divine calling and purpose to my future spouse. May they hear Your voice clearly and follow the path You have laid out for them. Deliver them from an empty purpose and squandered destiny. Give them wisdom and understanding, and equip them with all the skills, talents, resources, and opportunities they need to excel in their purpose and fulfill their calling. Open doors that no one can shut and bring the right people into their life to support and encourage them. Lord, I pray for Your protection over them. Guard them from distractions and temptations that may lead them away from Your path. Keep their focus on their divine purpose, and may they remain rooted in You.

Fill their heart with a deep passion for their purpose, and the dedication, diligence, courage, perseverance, and humility to achieve it. In moments of doubt or pressure, may they find strength and resilience in You, knowing that You are their source and that nothing is impossible with you. Use them to make a positive impact on this world, and let their life be a testament to Your love, grace, and power. May Your will be done in their life, and may they find true meaning and fulfillment in serving You.

Father, I ask that our partnership, as a couple, may be a source of mutual encouragement and support for each other's callings. May we inspire and strengthen one another as we walk together in faith, fulfilling the purposes You have set before us. In Jesus' name, Amen

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer for His/Her Character and Integrity
Father, I pray for my future spouse, mold and shape their character to reflect the qualities that honor You. Instill in them a heart of love, compassion, kindness, and humility. Cultivate within them a character that reflects Your own. Give them the wisdom and discernment to make choices that are pleasing to You, even when faced with difficult decisions and temptations. Strengthen their commitment to live a life that is in alignment with Your Word.

Lord, protect their heart and mind from the lures and pressures of this world that seek to compromise their character. Deliver them from pride, greed, immorality, and seeking human approval. Give them the strength to stand firm in their values and faith, even in adversity. Help them to be a person of truth, honesty, faithfulness and transparency. In their personal and professional life, may they be a person of integrity and trustworthiness. Surround them with positive influences and mentors who can help them grow in character and faith. May their reputation be untarnished, and their word be their bond.

Lord, as You bring us together as a couple, may our relationship be built on a foundation of trust, truth, and mutual respect. Let our love and partnership strengthen and refine our characters, and be a reflection of Your grace and glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer for Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, And Physical Health
Lord, I pray for my future spouse, for divine health and wholeness in spirit, soul, and body. Protect their mind from negative thoughts, worry, and anxiety, and help them to fix their thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise. I pray against wrong mindsets, lies, and strongholds. I cancel heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer, and every form of sickness from their life and family. I speak life, divine health, and wholeness to every cell, tissue and organ of their body. I declare that they have a sound mind, healthy body, and a blessed soul.

Lord, help them to be a good steward of their body and make wise choices regarding their diet, exercise, and rest. Help them to live a balanced life, be disciplined, manage stress effectively, forgive quickly, and have a heart of gratitude. Give them the courage to seek help if they feel overwhelmed, and to always remember that You are with them, every step of the way by Your Holy Spirit. Help them to live free in spirit, soul, and body.

As we look forward to our future together as a couple, may we both prioritize and support each other's health and well-being, understanding the importance of taking care our bodies, which is your temple. In Jesus Name, amen.

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer for His/Her Dreams and Godly Mission
Lord, I pray for my future spouse. You see them right now. You know the goals, dreams, passion, mission, and giftings you placed in their life. May they have clarity of vision and deep understanding of your call on their life. Illuminate the path of their godly mission, so they can walk in alignment with Your divine purpose. Give them wisdom, insight, courage, good work ethic, and favor. May they pursue their dreams and mission with passion and dedication, always seeking to honor and glorify You.

Give them a kingdom mindset and the anointing, resources, opportunities, and connections they need to fulfill their kingdom assignment. Open doors of favor and divine appointments that lead to success and meaningful impact. Surround them with mentors and resources to help them achieve your agenda and carry out their life’s mission.

I pray for our future together as a couple. May we be partners in pursuing a shared, godly mission. Let our love and partnership be a source of encouragement and support as we seek to fulfill Your purposes. May our goals and mission align with Your divine plan, and bring honor and glory to Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen.

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer for His/Her Family and Relationships
Father, I pray for my future spouse, his family and friends. I pray for the salvation of all family members. I ask for healthy relationships and Christ connection with the parents, siblings, and extended family. I disconnect them from friends from hell, agents of the devil sent to destabilize, derail, and destroy them. I pray against negative voices speaking into their life. Lord, I pray against division. Give them love, unity, and understanding within their family, and may their relationships be a source of support, encouragement, and joy. I ask for a great relationship with my in laws, and that I would be a blessing to their family.

Lord, surround my future spouse with friends who are positive influences. May their friendships be built on trust, loyalty, and a shared love for Jesus. Give them discernment and wisdom in choosing friends. Help them to be compassionate, forgiving, and understanding. May their relationships reflect the qualities of kindness, respect, authenticity, faith in you and a commitment to personal growth.

I pray for our future relationship as a couple. May our love and partnership be built on a foundation of respect, trust, and mutual support. May we be a source of strength and love for each other, and may our relationship be founded on a deep and abiding love that reflects Your love for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer for His/Her Preparation for Marriage
Lord, I pray for my future spouse. Please give them the wisdom and understanding to prepare their hearts and minds for the responsibilities and joys of marriage. Help them to grow in love, patience, and kindness. May they develop the character of a husband/ wife who reflects Your image. Teach them what it means to love sacrificially, to honor their commitment, and to build a lasting foundation for a strong and godly marriage.

I pray for their spiritual, emotional, mental, relational, financial, social, and behavioral readiness for marriage. May they find strength in their relationship with You. Give them the grace, maturity and selflessness to forgive, to communicate effectively, and to nurture a love that is steadfast and enduring. In all things, may Your love shine through them, and may their commitment to their vows be a living testimony to Your faithfulness.

Lord, prepare my heart for the person you have prepared for me. May our love and partnership be grounded in you and a powerful testament to Your grace and love. Use us to inspire and guide others in building strong, loving, and godly marriages. In Jesus' name, Amen.

PRAYER FOR MY FUTURE SPOUSE: Prayer That God Will Bring Us Together
Father, I pray for myself and my future spouse that You would order our steps and bring us together in marriage. Guide us, Lord, orchestrate our paths to intersect, and help us to recognize each other, whether we have already crossed paths or are yet to meet. You know the desires of our hearts. Please lead and guide us on the path that will lead to a blessed and God-honoring marriage.

Prepare us both for this sacred commitment, equipping us with the qualities and character we need to be loving, supportive, and faithful life partners. Prepare our hearts for the love and companionship that You have ordained for us, and may our dating be pure and our marriage bed undefiled.

Lord, I pray that our relationship would be grounded in You, built on a strong foundation of faith and love. I ask for Your guidance, wisdom, and blessing as we journey toward the day when we come together in holy matrimony. May our love story be a beautiful testament to Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.